Moving your body is one of the best ways to improve your mood, your health, lose the winter blah and the winter fluff, and that’s what this Kickstart is all about! Spring Kickstart is a 4-week program beginning March 4th which will include 3 LIVE Zoom workout sessions each week on MON, WED and THURS mornings at 6:30 AM EST. Weekly workouts will include strength, a bit of cardio, and flexibilty flows for weekly well-rounded workouts! The workouts are beginner and intermediate friendly using body weight and hand weights for those choosing added intensity. We will have a group weekly Zoom Q & A sessions on Thursdays at 8 PM EST to share and answer any questions of your wellness journey, and two 1:1 consult sessions at your request; and... a BONUS 4-week healthy eating meal guide is included, with tasty recipes and shopping list! (Each week on Monday is a "Step" which is the weekly meal guide.) The workouts will be recorded should you not make the LIVE and there will be access to them for 4 months. (The workouts will be added to the program within 24 hours after the LIVE session for that day.) Get your space ready and grab some weights (even water bottles!), and let's Kickstart Spring with inspiration and motivation!
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app